10 Addons For Minecraft Bedrock Edition 1.19!

Top 10 MOST INSANE Addons For Minecraft Bedrock Edition!
#10 Smartphone Addon
By Peepss
hange the weather, day, night, play music and apply effects to improve your game and have fun with your friends! An add-on made for you and your friends to have fun, maybe even troll each other!
➔ Settings
- The settings app currently only has one function, which is to disable and enable add-on notifications.

➔ App Store
- The App Store app is used to purchase the other apps available from the add-on using the money in the add-on. Only the Bank App is free.

➔ Store
- The Store app is where you can buy items like food, armor, drops, and many more using the money in the add-on! The ability to buy blocks and other items is coming soon.

DOWNLOAD: https://mcpedl.com/smartphone-add-on-only-for-1-18-2/
#9 Realistic Lucky Block Addon
By TheLake
Hello. Looking for lucky block addons? And look what's mine! This plugin is different from other lucky block addons! because this is Realistic lucky block. First time out! It can be found in nature! Also, various items are coming out! Let's learn addon completely
Lucky block is a popular mod from the past to the present. Thanks to this, it is loved by many people. I said "why don't I do the initial version of the lucky block." I said. I did! I hope this makes you happy. let's take a look at the Lucky block! ????
Lucky block
Lucky block has two different versions. One can be done with a desk. The other cannot be done with a desk. These were created according to your requests. Well. Let's look at its features;
Breaking time is 0.2.
It can be found the world (only in extreme hill biomes).
It can be taken with a silky touch.
Can be made with a working table. (Can be chosen)

DOWNLOAD: https://mcpedl.com/realislic-lucky-block-addon/
#8 Thunderbow Addon
By ZussmanKlint
Another fiery and overpowered addon! This addon adds a bow that shoots projectiles and strikes lightning upon impact! Eradicate enemies a lot easier with this new bow addon! Or just turn creepers into charged ones! Maybe evolve villagers into witches?
Bring greater life into your world with this new bow that is overpowered but can be made very easily!
Thunder Bow

Damage - 15
Cooldown - 0.1 seconds
Ammo - infinite
Durability - won't break
Effect - 2 seconds of fire resistance when the projectile lands
Crafting Recipe:

As you can see it can be easily crafted despite its power! Be careful though, the lightning has very large AOE, so don't get to close to where the projectile lands, though you'll be granted with fire resistance, you're not saved from the physical damage of the thunder.

DOWNLOAD: https://mcpedl.com/thunder-bow-addon/
#7 Countryballs
By LittleAlix
Have you ever wanted countryballs in your Minecraft world? Now you can. With these countryballs, you can make them all be in a house. Maybe a Tea Party? A Night party too? Endless possabillities! This mod is in beta. The mod will be updated every 2 weeks-1 month. There are all the basic countryballs right now, But more countries will come.
Countryball/Polandball character Introductions

This Is USAball, He Has 25 hearts. and 7 hearts of damage. And wont kill the player if you dont attack him

Next, Mexicoball, He Has 20 hearts. and 4 and a half hearts of damage. And wont kill the player like USAball

Third, UKball, He Has 23 hearts. and 6 hearts of damage. And wont kill the player like USAball. But Will Kill France, Russia, and Spain

Fourth, Englandball, He Has 10 hearts like the player. and 3 hearts of damage. And will attempt to kill France, Russia, and Spain

Then we have Londonball. London has 5 Hearts. London will not hit or kill anyone. If attacked, London will run away. He will also run away from Englandballs's Enemies.

Sixth, We have Franceball (French Republic.) Franceball has 20 hearts 40 health points. It can deal 6 hearts of damage. France Will Attempt to Kill The UKball, Russiaball, and Spainball. Next is Portugal

DOWNLOAD: https://mcpedl.com/littlealix-countryballs/
#6 Archology Update Addon
Play with new features, blocks, generations and structures related to a possible leaked theme for Minecraft 1.20. This addon is based on leaks and ideas of mine, there is nothing confirmed that anything from this addon will be implemented in the original game.

Minecraft Archeology Update: This addon over time will gradually receive updates with new features. That's all for now...
the features of this version 1.0.2 are accessible only by commands: /give @s archeology: (block or item name)

This block can be found in Abyssal Moss Caves in the future. There we'll find deepslate with moss, and also a new growth moss.

Ancient Bone Blocks are new blocks that will be present in new and old underground fossils. With a block like this it is possible to get 9 ancient bones.
and at the maximum right is the original bone block.
Dirty Bone Blocks are now called Ancient Bone Blocks! Dirty bone blocks have been changed and gained new variants.
Dirty Bone Block = Cracked Ancient Bone Block
New Ancient Bone Block
New Cracked Bone Block

DOWNLOAD: https://mcpedl.com/minecraft-archeology-update/
#5 Animals of the Past
By Math2004
Have you ever thought about walking into a world full of creatures that once existed? Ride a carnotaurus, tame a diictodon or even swim alongside a mosasaurus? (the latter I don't advise you to do) Then you've found the right add-on!
The addon is in beta and updates about it can be seen at the following links:
the addon may have some bugs so report it on the discord server!

The addon currently has 86 mobs
All spawn naturally
Some can be tamed
Some serve as mounts
Animals can only be tamed as puppies
The addon has no sounds to avoid excessive weight gain
Only one plant is present in this version, which is cooksonia, but its system still needs to be improved.

tamed animals can be forced to follow their owner with bone or stick

Items to tame and grow animals

List of animals that can be tamed

DOWNLOAD: https://mcpedl.com/animals-of-the-past-addon/
#4 Randomized Everything Addon
Do you wish you have no idea how ANYTHING worked and that NOTHING made since you to. Well now you can. With 2,766 RANDOMIZED FILES, anything is possible. Entities, loot tables, textures, colors, and so much more will be randomized, and even more in the future. come along and maybe invite some friends for the time of your life.
With this addon, you can experience something like no one has ever seen before. People always say they have randomized everything but that is never really the case, this addon as of now (and more in the future) randomizes a least one thing from every category in Minecraft code. Additionally, I hope to work on it more and update to randomize even more.

DOWNLOAD: https://mcpedl.com/randomized-everything/
#3 Sand and Savanna Expansion
By GoggledGecko
The Sand and Savanna Expansion add-on, is an update style add-on. I made it in the 7 days right after Minecraft Live 2022, since the amount of announced features were a bit sparse.
- Quiver tree Forest (a new sub-biome for deserts)
- Quiver trees (for the biome obviously)
- A number of new blocks to build with
- Desert Shark (a new dangerous mob)
- Updated Savanna Generation
- Termite Hills (a growing block)
- Quiver (stores up to 4 stacks of arrows)
Quiver Forest:
They just look pretty :) You can grow a tree by bonemealing the quiver leaves

Desert Shark
These guys will lay a trap and pull any unsuspecting mob beneath the sand to suffocate

Improved Savanna
Some tweaks have been made to the generation and colours of the biome, to create a more unique biome

Termite Hill
These blocks will grow over time to create large termite hills. They vary in size and is completely procedurally generated, so no two mounds will be the same

DOWNLOAD: https://mcpedl.com/sand-and-savanna-expansion/
#2 Indian Foods Addon
Indian Foods Addon
Guys in this ad on you will get Indian Foods which you will get many good effects by eating them so guise you won’t be able to try this addons
To do a food craft, first, you have to make the flour only after the flour is made, you can make food.

DOWNLOAD: https://shopwithplaza.com/indian-food-mod/
#1 Bangledesh Vechile Addon
Vehicles Addon
Pack details
Name: Bangladeshi Vehicles Add-on
Version: 1.0.0 pre release
Creator: Sabit Hasan & Rahee07
Size: 813 KB (v1.0.0)
Affects in-world achievements?: Yes. if you apply behavior pack.
Special THANKS to: Sabit Hasan. He made all the models. I did code stuff and some minor fixes.

DOWNLOAD: https://shopwithplaza.com/indian-vehicle-mod/