World Edit Addon For MCPE 1.19! - Minecraft Bedrock Edition

By SIsilicon
This is a Minecraft Bedrock addon port of the famous WorldEdit mod for Minecraft: Java Edition. The addon comes with custom commands to make building easier, and more fun! Not only that, there are also custom items to make it easier for anyone on any device to use this. Please note that this addon is currently in its beta stage, and requires experimental features. To be on the safe side, make a backup of your world.
Please read the quick start section in Settings > How to Play while playing in a WorldEdit enabled world, for a short guide on how the addon works.

For more extensive information, please visit the addon's online documentation site ( If you have questions, please visit the doc's FAQ page.
WorldEdit: Bedrock Edition has many of the important features that the original mod has. This includes, but not limited to:
- Clipboard manipulation (Cut, Copy, Paste)
- Stacking and moving blocks and regions
- Rotating and flipping regions
- Making region selections
- Powerful block patterns and masks
- Navigation commands
- Generating shapes; built-in and custom
- Creating walls, lines and outlines
- Smoothing terrain
- Undo and redo
- Filling and replacing blocks
- Painting with brushes
- A convenient WorldEdit kit to access common features
This addon is under the GPLv3 license. This means that you:
- CAN modify, copy and distribute this addon.
- CAN use it privately or for commercial use.
- CAN'T change the license of your modified version.
- CAN'T make the modified source code closed.
- HAVE TO indicate any changes in the modified version.
Videos of the addon are also allowed, but you must link to this page for downloading. You also don't HAVE to credit me, but it would be great if you did! ????
But remember. Plagiarism is still plagiarism.
Special Thanks
The backbone of this addon's code is a heavily modified version of notbeer's GameTest API Wrapper.
And thanks to the original creator of the WorldEdit mod "sk89q" and EngineHub as a whole. They developed and excellent mod, and I'm just simply making a version of it work on bedrock. They're the real heroes. :)
It took time and effort to make this addon, so if you can, please support me by becoming a Patreon, or donating via PayPal! You can also join Discord or follow on Twitter to be notified of any new additions to the addon.
Firstly go to the download section link appropriate for your Minecraft version. You'll be going through Linkvertise, but it's fine! Just go through as instructed and a file called "WorldEdit.mcaddon" should be downloaded.
After downloading the addon, you open it with Minecraft and it will be imported into your game.
- Android users need to use a third party file explorer such as CX File Explorer to open the file.
- iOS users should use Documents.
Once there, choose a world you want to apply this addon to, and add the behaviour pack and resource pack together. The following experimental features must also be enabled.

And that's it! Your world is now ready for WorldEdit.