More Armor Weapons Tools and Swords Items Mod! – Minecraft Fortify | New Mods New Addons Update! Compatible with any Addon! v1.0.2
A new mod with many ARMOR, WEAPONS, TOOLS, SWORDS, and ITEMS each with COOL ABILITIES! With new addon weapons: BOWS, SCYTHES, GREATSWORDS, STAFFS, MORNINGSTARS, WHIPS, BATTLEAXES, HAMMERS, SPEARS, and DAGGERS, fight new and intriguing mobs like the Reaper Skeleton! Use the special armor to create your adventures and surprise your friends with new and unique combat! Download the Minecraft Fortify Reworked addon update!

Minecraft Fortify Reworked is a Minecraft mod with many armor sets and tools, each with its own unique abilities! Use the special armors to create your own adventures and surprise your friends with new and unique item sets!

• The Fortify v1.0.0 update only works on Minecraft versions 1.21.0+ and higher!
• This addon does NOT use player.json!
Required World Experiments:
• Turn on "Custom biomes"
• Turn on "Beta APIs"

Minecraft Fortify Reworked Download!

Watch this guide for the new MC Fortify Reworked Update!
Reaper Armor & Weapons
Nexus Armor & Weapons (custom bow)
Aetherite Armor & Weapons
Amethyst Armor & Weapons
Copper Armors & Weapons (4 oxidation stages)
Emerald Armor & Weapons
Gilded Netherite Armor & Weapons
Glowing Obsidian Armor & Weapons
Phantom (Invisible) Armor & Weapons
Warden Armor & Weapons
Custom Upgrade Templates

Custom Enchantments

Minecraft Fortify Reworked Download!

Within the ancient Tungar Cliffs lies the remains of one of the largest forges ever created. The ancient builders once gathered here to buy, sell, and admire the strongest armor and tools the forge had to offer. Ran by the best blacksmiths in their world, there were no materials that couldn’t be found here.
Copper armor and tools
were mass produced during times of war because of their strength and relatively cheap cost. The ancient builders would leave full sets of copper equipment on armor stands, making them more protective with oxidation.
Amethyst armor and tools
were one of the hardest sets to produce. After many failed attempts at creating amethyst equipment, the ancient builders found a delicate balance between efficiency and durability. Although the armor and tools may be very brittle, their high efficiency and damage greatly outweigh the disadvantages.
Emerald armor and tools
were rarely used, mostly because of the importance of emeralds in the ancient economy. People wearing and using emerald equipment would do so to flaunt their wealth to their peers and usually had political influence. However, the commoners often found it arrogant and wasteful.
Phantom armor and tools
were considered the pinnacle of technology during the reign of the ancient builders. The ability to be invisible when moving at walking speed changed the balance of power within the kingdoms of ancient builders.
Glowing Obsidian armor and tools
were treasured for their appearance, as their glow easily attracted newcomers. Traders were always gathered around a Glowing Obsidian armor display when an auction was announced. Of course, its ability to create light was also very beneficial to cave explorers and miners. Unfortunately, many overlooked the armor’s strength buff because of its captivating glow.
Warden armor and tools
were created using the magical abilities of the Warden's tendrils and heart. Anyone who dared to equip the Warden armor was instantly overwhelmed by its power. Once the person adjusted to their new senses, they could periodically sense mobs through walls and were immune to any type of blindness.
Gilded Netherite armor and tools
were the first to be created with an alloy. Netherite was one of the toughest natural elements that could be refined and crafted into armor and tools, but the blacksmiths of the forge tried to infuse it with the gilded blackstone from Nether Bastions. The result was astonishing, leading to armor with full knockback resistance and tools that seemed to never break.
Aetherite armor and tools
were used by early civilizations because they existed in the overworld. Aetheritte equipment was crucial in gaining an advantage on the battlefield. The greatswords were able to dominate the battlefield with their swift area attacks, and the aetherite armor granted the wearer an immense amount of extra hearts. But the aetherite equipment was soon approaching extinction because of how rare and exhausting it was to try and find these precious aetherium ores.
Reaper armor and tools
were unheard of – because nobody thought it was possible to acquire the Reaper's power. Nearly every ancient builder has heard of the Reaper's tale: Once a servant of the Wither, it plotted to overthrow the tyrant's iron rule over the Nether. With the help of the ancient builders, the Reaper prepared an attack on the Wither's fortress... but nobody could predict what happened next. With just a simple glance at the soldiers, each and every one of them was paralyzed with fear. The Reaper harnessed the souls of these soldiers, creating an army of its own. Needless to say, nobody dared to get anywhere near the Reaper's territory.