Top 20 Addons/Mods For Minecraft Bedrock Edition 2022!

These are 20 amazing addons for mcpe! All credits can be found in this post. This is a collaboration with the YouTuber Simplymiprii who will be showcasing the other 10 addons on her channel.
20. Instant Structures Addon
By B0NY434445
"This add-on allows you to spawn in pre built structures instantly using a craftable item, There are currently 60+ different structures with different styles you can spawn in including houses and trees
IMPORTANT: This add-on requires the experimental game features to be activated"
#19 World Animals Addon
With this add-on you add a variety of new animals that will appear in our Minecraft worlds, most animals are aggressive, others can be domesticated to defend against mobs and some animals can be ridden.
Add-on created by ArathNido. (Twitter)(Youtube)(Donations)
In this new update mammoths were added these will not be generated naturally by the world, to get them you need to make a syringe to inject the elephants and have their dna, with the elephant dna you can make the mammoth dna you inject it to an elephant and it will be transformed into mammoth, the mammoths you can tame them with the gold bone and place the elephant saddle.

#18 Night Vision Addon
Render Dragon is now aviable for render dragon versions of Minecraft. Render Dragon has put some major limitations in terms of what creators can do in the game. Thankfully, this texture pack allows night vision to be activated at all times. For a while Render Dragon did not support night vision texture packs until this one.
Night vision greatly increases the brightness, so the player can easily see in a light level of 0. However, it is not as bright as a light level of 15 (e.g. with the "Moody" brightness setting, it is similar to block light level 12–13 and no sky light in the overworld within the "Bright" brightness setting), and as such the player can distinguish between light levels.
Make sure to have both the rescource pack and behavior pack turned on. Also make sure to enable expiermental gameplay in order for the changes to be applied.
#17 Ravemon's Mob
Ravemon is known as a mini dragon that lives in the underworld. A unique thing for them are their special fire breathe ability and armour. Sometimes they will attack with fire bursts. Their normal attack consists of biting, and their special armor gives them their own protection.

#16 Dynamite Addon
By MSWord
Have you ever wanted to throw TNT at your friends on a mountain, but couldn't because you didn't have the high ground? Or have you ever been chased by a sizable horde of hostile mobs and had no way to defend yourself and therefore: lost all your precious 30 XP levels?
The damage dealt to an entity depends on its type and the distance it is from the source of the explosion. I will use the player as an example:
- Impact Zone (0 blocks away): 6 hearts and a Half
- 1 Block Away: 4 hearts
- 2 Blocks Away: 2 hearts and a Half
- 3 Blocks Away: 1 heart
- 4 Blocks Away: Safe Distance (No damage dealt)
#15 Minekea Furniture
By dream pixel
Welcome to dreampixel's minekea addon! this addon adds in 70+ vanilla themed furniture, its perfect for decorating homes, buildings and more. All the furniture featured in this mod, is in the form of blocks, so you dont have to worry about any lag.
By Awesomeman
Tons of new swords that do so many different things 20+ swords to choose from each giving different potion effects or different functions. All (almost) swords are craft able. Make sure to share this with your friends.
Here is a list of all of the swords and what they do.

Apple Sword
Gives saturation
#13 Poppy Playtime Addon
By Flippy YT
Huggy Wuggy is a tall, blue, toy. In Poppy Playtime he is evil, like an experiment gone wrong, and he trys to kill you. In Minecraft he is almost exactly like in game.

#12 Adventure Addon
Adds new mobs, new food ( Vanilla texture style ).
Adding old concepts, ideas, and myths.
Added more rare mobs and variations of mobs.
Adding new features to old things!
Use these #NewAdventurePlus, #Endermare, so that I can find your reviews :)

Added A Chest With Things
/structure load chest_addons ~ ~ ~
There are a lot of things from the addon in the chest
#11 Prehistoric Addon
By Xterionix YT
Have you ever wanted to experience the obscure Dinosaurs with a slight fantasy vibe that remains grounded and is semi-accurate? Prehistoric Animalia is the perfect choice for you! This addon is by Zuyura and was made by the help of the team on Discord.